Fake Natoo by Zhang Na Brand Page


FAKE NATOO was founded in 2008 and quickly caught the attention of the Chinese fashion industry. In just a few years time, Zhang Na established herself as one of the most influential independent designers on the Mainland.

The FAKE NATOO woman is independent and strong, but in a more subtle way. She is smart and compassionate, and tries to understand herself within the context of the rest of the world. Lastly, she believes in the wisdom of nature.

FAKE NATOO has also always been concerned with the relationship between people and the clothing, the relationship between the wearer and the environment. This message is not delivered through making complicated cuts and adding decorative details, but through the fusion of personal emotion and a modern design language. Fake Natoo strives to keep exploring all possibilities in design with new fabrics and its unique approach to design.

2008 年创立个人服装设计品牌 FAKENATOO,迅速受到业内及媒体的广泛关注与追捧,短短几年间便成为中国时装设计界颇具影响力的代表人物。

FAKENATOO 的女性,从来都是独立坚强,这种坚强并非强势,而是循序渐进的拥有厚度与柔韧的坚强,更莫说是对生活的一种机敏,伴随宽阔的新与温暖的爱,因此而生的生活态度。懂得与自己,与世界,与他人之间的相处,理解万物生长的自然道理。明哲而充满暖意。

FAKENATOO 一直关注人与衣服的关系,穿着者与周围环境的关系。 这种设计的张力不是通过复杂的结构来表现,而是一种把具有个人情绪化痕迹与时装相结合的方式。而结合多种手法及特殊的材质的运用,探索独特设计语言的各种可能性是 FAKENATOO 不变的兴趣所在。



Fall / Winter


Spring / Summer


Fall / Winter



Compared to other fashion designers in China, Zhang Na of Fake Natoo is very low-key. She is not media shy, but so far, she has not attracted any media attention. To me, she represents what is good and fresh about young Chinese designers.

Zhang Na was born in 1981, a member of China’s Generation X, which is often characterized by the Chinese media as the “lost generation.” She is from Beijing, her parents are both artists, and she majored in art at a university in Xian, a major city in central China. After graduation, she took a year off in Europe — wandering, taking fashion classes and going to parties and hanging out. In 2004, she came back to settle in Shanghai as a fashion designer.

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Eco Fashion Talk

Fake Natoo is a brand from mainland China. In an industry where imports from China are all pervasive, original designs and designers are yet to make their mark in the global market. Fake Natoo, is one such brand, not just designing an intriguing and well designed collection, but also combining sustainability. Na Zhang, a Beijing native from Canada, the designer behind Fake Natoo, works with discarded clothing and textile donations, to create greater value from unwanted materials. Zhang’s reincarnated designs incorporate dozens of garments, re-coordinated into stylish unexpected proportions and combinations to create a sophisticated and fashion forward collection. Exploring the connection between people, dress and the environment through the collection.

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Cool Hunting

Over the past few years, more and more independent Chinese fashion designers have been garnering attention and appreciation—and one of the loudest voices is that of Zhang Na (aka LALA), who studied fashion design at Xi’an Academy Fine Arts in the Shaanxi province and at MOD’ART International in Paris. In 2008, she founded her own brand Na (too), which was then re-named Fake Natoo and, in a few years, she quickly became one of the most influential designers in China.

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Tencent: QQ Fashion

The Independent Woman’s Wardrobe – watch video and read more (Chinese)

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